Friday, October 10, 2008

9 months

G is 9 months old today. At 9 months he is:
22.5 lbs
30 inches long
crawling and pulling himself up, he's so proud of himself
teething! he has his two bottoms and more on the way

My silly boy

Back when I was in high school my mom came up with the "great" idea to make counted cross stitch christmas stockings for my brother, sister and I. Since the hope was to have them done while we were all still living at home, she enlisted my help. Long story short, I not only made my brother's, sister's and my own stocking, I went on to make them for my neice and nephew, husband and parents. Making them for my children is no longer an option... it's simply a must do.

So I've had G's stocking for well over 3 years now (found it while shopping for mom and dad's stockings, and since it was being discontinued, I just had to purchase it, never mind that I didn't even have a child on the horizon). Considering the "vast" experience that I have, I know that making these stockings is no easy task as they take some serious time and attention.
Apparently "vast" experience is entirely over-rated. Did I start G's stocking when we found out last September that he was, for sure, a boy (seriously, he flashed the ultra sound tech)? Of course not. Relying heavily on my newly discoverd procrastination skills, I didn't start G's stocking until May.
So now I am working like a mad-woman to get it done. I take it to work with me for lunch breaks. Stay up way later than I should at night after he's gone to bed. And occasionaly, when he's in the mood to entertain himself, I work on it while he's playing. The other day was one such day. He was in a great mood, totally into playing in his jumper so I decided to whip out the stocking and get a little work done. Several minutes in I realized that the house had gone silent. I no longer can hear G in his jumper. I look up from the stocking and this is what I see...

Friday, September 12, 2008

Beach trip & 8 month update

We made G's firts trip to the beach on Labor Day, went to Doran Beach in Bodega Bay. Of course, since there was water involved, G was quite happy. The water was freezing, but he loved it, when we'd lift him up out of it, he'd strain to get back in.

G turned 8 months old on Wednesday. It's really hard to believe 8 months have gone by. He started army crawling this week, getting closer to the real deal all the time, he gets up on his hands and knees and rocks. He started saying "mama" last week, he's been saying "dada" for a while, but "dada" can be anything and everything. "Mama" is mama, he cries for me when he's hungry, tired, needy... I love it! Though it can be a little sad and pathetic sounding at times. Jarrod weighed him Monday night, he came in at a whopping 23 lbs, and is somewhere around 30" long.

Playing is hard work

What a rough life...

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Yosemite & Anniversaries

Jarrod and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary August 2, it was also the day we left for our 15th annual trip to Yosemite. Yosemite has been such a big part of our lives for so long (we decided to start dating after a trip to Yosemite, spent week 2 of our honeymoon in Yosemite), it was so exciting to make our first trip as a family of three this year and start building new and wonderful memories with G.

To no one's surprise, G was a great camper. We discoverd he has a great love for all things water (regardless of how freezing cold it is) and is also quite fascinated with fire. He should keep us on our toes!

Grandpa teaching G to drive the motorhome...

Chilling with Grandpa, checking at the scenery... at the gas station

Taking a nap with Little Grandma, camping is hard work!

The most clothing he has ever worn at one time in his life...

Believe it or not, she does like him...

Who you calling bear bait?!?!

His new favorite chew toy... Grandpa's watch

Smiling, despite the duds...

Loving on my grandpa...

This camping stuff is funny!

Grandpa's funny too!

At the river, loving the water

Waiting for the fire to start

Raja almost caught a squirrel...

Saturday, August 16, 2008

6 months old...

Wow... 6 months goes by fast, combine that with my superb "promptness" these days and you get the 6 month post 6 days after G turned 7 months!!! I have real hope that one day I'll get back to my old self, this new self is rather embarrassing at times...

Anyway, it seems like yesterday we were bringing G home from the hospital and now he's a 7 month old little boy. I'm trying to refer to him as "little" for as long as possible because I just don't see it being associated with him for much longer.At his 6 month appt. on July 9, G weighed in at 19lbs 1oz, 28 inches long. We weighed him on Thursday, he weighed 20.6lbs and measures 29.5 inches long.

He still belly laughs till he sighs, cracks me up. He sits up on his own (that little back is ram-rod straight), can play with his toys while sitting and can, for the most part, correct his balance when he starts listing to one side, though sometimes his head gets the best of him and down he goes.
He's getting sooo close to crawling, in fact I thought he'd start while I was out of town last week for work, thankfully he didn't! He motors around the floor by rolling himself EVERYWHERE.

Jarrod and I are convinced that when he finally does start crawling, it will be to get closer to Raja, he does his best to roll to where ever she is when she's on the floor with him.

Here are some pictures from 6 months. We decided to mark the 1/2 year pictures in black and white photos... since I'm clueless with this stuff, my college roommate converted my fave to black and white for me... Thanks Meagan!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

His laughing place....

A boy and his dog

He loves his doggie....

Yes, that's a sock on Raja's paw. She tore her pad on Wednesday and has to have it bandaged for the next several days and is restricted to just "potty breaks" for the next two weeks. Can you say stir crazy...

Happy 4th... just a little late

Jarrod's dad is the youngest of 5 siblings who get togther every year for the 4th of July at "Uncle Rick's" house overlooking the marina. Naturally, the big attraction this year wasn't the fireworks, but our little one. His aunts and uncles were mighty impressed with his singing voice (think the seagull from the Little Mermaid and you've about got it) and his passion for "singing" to the trees.

Momma and her baby boy

Daddy and his boy

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Here at last

By popular demand (really just Aunt Cathy and Meagan), we are finally entering the blogging world. I make no promises in my ability to keep this thing up-to-date... it's a good day when I can keep up with life as a "new" mom. Well, newish... our bouncing baby boy is now 6 months old, weighing in at 19 lbs 1 oz, 28 inches long. I don't think he inherited his Little Grandma's petitie genes.

I thought about, then completely abondoned the idea of trying to re-capture the last 6 months of milestones and experiences, though I still may post some of his earlier pictures, he's just too cute not to.

Right now, this is life for our little boy :

  • He has the best laugh, I'm talking belly laughs until he's so tired of laughing he sighs.

  • He loves his daddy and his mommy.

  • He love his Big Grandpa (grandpa watches him 2-3 times a week, I love watching their relationship grow)

  • He is fascinated with Raja, our rott-you-name-it mix.

  • He is in awe of the outdoors, especially leaves.

  • He talks/sings himself to sleep... it's so sweet, it makes me smile.

  • He rolls over (and over), sits (mostly by himself) and stands with balance support.

  • He brings unparalleled joy and happiness to our lives

Here is a picture from our first Father's day. I'll get more on here soon.