Friday, September 12, 2008

Beach trip & 8 month update

We made G's firts trip to the beach on Labor Day, went to Doran Beach in Bodega Bay. Of course, since there was water involved, G was quite happy. The water was freezing, but he loved it, when we'd lift him up out of it, he'd strain to get back in.

G turned 8 months old on Wednesday. It's really hard to believe 8 months have gone by. He started army crawling this week, getting closer to the real deal all the time, he gets up on his hands and knees and rocks. He started saying "mama" last week, he's been saying "dada" for a while, but "dada" can be anything and everything. "Mama" is mama, he cries for me when he's hungry, tired, needy... I love it! Though it can be a little sad and pathetic sounding at times. Jarrod weighed him Monday night, he came in at a whopping 23 lbs, and is somewhere around 30" long.

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